Effect Of A Small Amount Of Copper In Medium-carbon Steel

: The Working Of Steel

This shows the result of tests by C. R. Hayward and A. B. Johnston

on two types of steel: one containing 0.30 per cent carbon, 0.012

per cent phosphorus, and 0.860 per cent copper, and the other 0.365

per cent carbon, 0.053 per cent phosphorus, and 0.030 per cent

copper. The accompanying chart in Fig. 13 shows that high-copper

steel has decided superiority in tensile strength, yield point and

ultimate strength, while the ductility is practically the same.

Hardness tests by both methods show high-copper steel to be harder

than low-copper, and the Charpy shock tests show high-copper steel

also superior to low-copper. The tests confirm those made by Stead,

showing that the behavior of copper steel resembles that of nickel

steel. The high-copper steels show finer grain than the low-copper.

The quenched and drawn specimens of high-copper steel were found

to be slightly more martensitic.

